What is the aim of this platform?
The COVID-19 pandemic was remarkable in that unlike previous serious disease outbreaks like Ebola and SARS, COVID-19 had what could be considered a global reach. Almost all European countries closed down their societies for varying periods of time. We have all been affected, we have all struggled to find ways to cope with the situation, and it only makes sense to share our knowledge and best practice as widely as we can. The education sector was particularly impacted by the pandemic, with most education providers been forced to pause in-person teaching and switch to remote teaching methodologies.
This platform has been created to:
- gather the best practice discovered during the 2020 lockdown
- to ensure that students in a range of circumstances do not get left behind as online and blended learning becomes more prevalent.
Specifically, this platform aims to provide a single catalogue of tools and resources, in one location, for teaching professionals and students to make their content more accessible or more easily access teaching materials.
With the tools on this platform users can:
- Produce content in more accessible formats.
- Better meet the special education needs of learners.
- Be empowered to access learning materials more independently.
This platform has been developed by EASPD and the Inclusive University Digital Education
(InclUDE) project the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
For questions and comments,
please contact us here.